Thursday, September 15, 2011

Buy Local Produce

When juicing, choose organically grown fruits and vegetables.  A good way to ensure that you are getting organically grown or pesticide free products is to shop for local or regional grown produce. Locally grown vegetables, fruits and greens are ripen to maturity in the ground.  This means that these produce contain the maximum amount of nutrients.  Furthermore, they do not have to travel far to get your local grocery store or market ensuring that they will till be at their peak nutritionally.  On the other hand, commercially grown produce are picked well before they are ripened, otherwise they would rot before they arrive at the local grocery store and market.  By the time these unripened, low nutrition produce reach their destination (our local grocery store or market) they are weeks old and still not naturally ripe.  To further compound the problem, these produce have been treated with fungicides, coolants, and chemicals which are meant to retard spoilage and enhance their appearance.

So, when shopping at your local market of grocery store look for organic, local or regional grown produce. If you are not sure, then ask a worker.  There is a good chance that if the produce is local, it will be organic and labeled as such.

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