Thursday, September 8, 2011

Fruit Sugars Versus Refined Sugars

Fresh fruits contain, both complex carbohydrates and simple sugars. Because they are more slowly digested than simple sugars, complex carbohydrates are more healthful. Rather than the short bursts of energy from the simple sugars, the energy from complex carbohydrates is released more evenly over a longer period. Although they are not as desirable as complex carbohydrates, the simple sugars that are found in fresh fruits are packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber. In this way they differ from refined, white cane sugar. One of the main health concerns with refined, white cane sugar is that is used in high concentrations associated with many junk foods that are empty calorie foods. These foods are not beneficial to our health, because they supply no minerals, vitamins, complex carbohydrates, or fiber. Eating sugar filled junks foods cause obesity, tooth decay, over-acidic blood due to fermentation of the sugars in the stomach, and malnutrition. Malnutrition occurs when there is loss of desire for balanced, health-producing food after becoming addicted to a junk food diet. It is difficult, by comparison, to consume too much sugar by either eating fruits or from drinking too much fruit juice. Even the sweetest fruits are far more nutritionally balanced than sugar-packed junk foods.
In conclusion, it is unlikely that a person could become obese by consuming too much sugar on a natural foods diet containing plenty of fresh fruit juice.

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