Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Getting Your Enzymes From Juices

Enzymes are proteins which serve a vital function in every living thing, which includes food in its raw uncooked state.  It is the enzymatic reaction that cause fruits to ripen and display their bright vibrant colours. When we eat foods in their raw uncooked state, we use their enzymes to do the work of breaking the food down so that it can be absorbed by the body's intestines thereby taking the strain off our metabolism.  Because enzymes are extremely susceptible to heat, when foods are cooked all of the beneficial enzymes are destroyed.

When transitioning to a healthier lifestyle, consider making approximately 25 percent of your diet consist of  raw foods such as: organic fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, sprouts, leafy greens and fresh juices. During the warmer months, take advantage of the plentiful available fresh local produce and incorporate exercise into your daily routine to speed up your metabolism and improve your digestion. Following a vigorous exercise routine, replenish your cells with a glass of fresh fruit juice (orange is best).

Enzymes function as the bodies labour force as they constantly build and rebuild the body. For optimum health, consider making enzyme rich fresh juices and raw uncooked foods a part of your daily diet.

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